
Sunday, April 10, 2011希.望.の.桜

today your perspective about sakura changed completely. perhaps God has renewed your mind, perhaps it is the sharing of the senior pastor that gave you the new inspiration.
sakura signifies a new seasonnew hope. new life.
a new beginning. for japan.
it's refreshing
after the sunday church service, together with another couple from JLH, you set off to inokashira onshi koen (井の頭恩賜公園).  there are dozen of places in  tokyo to grasp the full cherry blossom but you decided to venture out to greater tokyo for something slightly different.

somewhere with a lake, pond or stream and inoskira koen checked all the boxes.

and you are glad you chose the right park, because this place is very different from ueno park that you been yesterday.
you made the right choice because God is very close to you throughout your visit here.
you related everything you see back to His word.

through this amazing view and God reminded you that if you meditate on His word day and night, you will be like psalm 1:3 planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

and as you walk on, the next view reminded you to give thanks and rejoice at all time like what it is written in isaiah 52:2 "for you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace, the mountains and the hills, shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands".  yes, you may choose to be angry, grumpy or sad but even if you cease to praise God, the trees by the water and the sakura flowers will clap their hands...
and your heart is filled with joy, peace and both elements are something that the world cannot give.  but you found yours in Him.  He is your source of joy and peace, it is even more true now that you are back to tokyo.

you have walked a long way, and when you look back, you are rewarded with this amazing view, and finally a dash of blue in the sky.

 and you know that sakura will wither in no time, probably will not last till the next weekend, but the word of the Lord will remain in your heart forever.

 in fact it will root even deeper in you.  you know your purpose and your season.  this season is tokyo for you. you are determine to make a different for Jesus. 
 you know no matter how far you go, where you are, what you are doing He is the constant, He will always be there for you.  just like today, you feel His presence is so real, so true.
 and your hope for sakura only grow stronger through the crisis and your hope for people in tokyo and japan is one day everyone will come to know the Lord Jesus as their personal saviour, and even their world may tremble and shaken, but they will know there is hope in Jesus.

it's getting late now. you didn't sleep a lot of hours last night. so you will need to get ready for a new week.

have a blessed new week!

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