
Monday, December 27, 2010

something for ourselves.
a bundt cake aka pound cake aka tulband cake.
in this case is a cake with walnut and ample of fresh ginger and candied ginger.
before and after. a drizzle of royal icing sugar

a simple mistletoe marzipan decoration and it is a christmas bundt pound tulband cake. just for ourselves. over breakfast, over tea and everything in between. it goes down well with any black or milky drink like chai tea with a dash of milk or a cappuccino. it's just my personal liking as the cake is quite heavy,

i also churned some fondant and marzipan decorations ahead of time. Photobucket
these are not for ourselves, but for others...
food, in this case christmas baking is a good entry point to our neighbour's home and to their hearts.

chocolate cupcakes, dress up with simple scented chantilly whipped cream. i am terrible with pipping. i can't even pipe the cream in any consistency. urrrrrrrrgh. may be i need a lesson, or some tips, or some advice of technique. anyone?

and top each cupcake with a fondant/marzipan miniature. cane. snowman. christmas tree, morning stars, santa hat, wreath, LOVE, JOY, PEACE...

as a plate is ready, off he goes and delivers them to our neighbours with a Christmas massage. after all, food is the best ice breaker or conversation to these families who are yet to know the true meaning of the season.
also some gingerbread cookies for friends...

and then some bakes for our guests...
who visited us during the festive season...
another rose chiffon cake. it is so easy and effortless to make. it's elegant and pretty. it's perfect for afternoon tea.

some chocolate cupcakes with just some free hand frosting of the extra chanitlly cream from rose chiffon cake and a quick drizzle of color sugar...
some indonesian style cheesecake
two little "fairies" for an almost 4 years old girl.
a fairy dressed in orange flower patels
another fairy dressed in green leaf...
fairy is a fantasy for little girls. after all don't we both have some fairy tales that we all once upon a time hold on to our heart so dearly...

i hope you enjoyed your christmas bakes too, i enjoy my baking and crafting fondant/marzipan to the fullest....

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