
Monday, December 06, 2010


i make rainbow!!
it's snowing heavily out there... and it's been going on for hours. saturday was supposed to be a project rainbow day anyway, so regardless of rain, shine or snow, project rainbow continues....
i learned about this rainbow cake from my project fantasy playmate two fridays ago. the rainbow cake should have a pale appearance so that you got the wow effect when it is sliced. i am so happened to be one of the privilege ones to taste the rainbow cake besides her family, her rainbow cake photo is pretty and impressive. it was so impressive that even my 'old boy' at home keeps nagging me to make one.
so i made one large square rainbow cake for three purposes (1) the mcmug rainbow cake for ourselves (2) sinterklaas one for a five year old nephew and (3) another pale and plain rainbow cake for our slightly older niece and nephew.
it's a white cake (without egg yoke) and making it is not difficult but it requires lot of time to bake the different layers. as i only have two square cake pans that i can only bake two layers at anyone time. thankfully, the baking time is really short, each batch takes about 15 min max. and after three rounds of baking my rainbow colors are ready.
so instead of the dutch tradition of chocolate letter, they all get rainbow this year. after all rainbow is the symbol of God's covenant with men since noah's time....
our very own mcmug marzipan and rainbow cake with generous splash of shredded coconut to depict the snow....

and the colorful innards. i am not guilty of eating this piece as i use the reduced fat whipped cream that manage to rise and stabilize (this is how i justify myself sometimes)...
in a grey and misty winter monday like this, i wish you rainbow!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful cake, and the knife is so pretty as well!

malaymui said...

thank you anonymous, the little 'knife' is actually more of a fork that Japanese usually use to eat their namagashi...

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