
Sunday, August 28, 2011


you invited a few friends over for kuching laksa session.

a hometown delicacy that you missed and you can easily recreate as long as you have the gravy paste with you.  you brought back a few packs and since it is hot and spicy, it is something that you can enjoy alone or with other friends who like hot and spicy food.
there's a lot of work in slicing, peeling, cutting, pulling, boiling... but well worth the effort... to make the extra delicious broth, you have to make sure you boiled it long enough with chicken bones and shrimps shells..

and then you are proud to present your ingredient on a parade on a table runaway... it really worth all the hassles in particular when you insisted to serve it in the authentic way, no localization, no compromise and that is especially when you have the right company to sample the meal with you.  the weather is kind of crazy, it's rather cool and wet for august, so a bowl of hot broth with spiciness is always welcome

and you compose your master bowl on top of rice vermicelli,  some bean sprouts, some sliced cucumber, cooked shrimps, pulled chicken, sliced omelet, the fragrant of coriander leaf, the aroma of the spicy coconut broth, the tangy of  lemon juice, the fishy sambal all mingle with the freshness of the shrimps and a masterpiece of laksa symphony is composed and enjoyed. you are thoroughly satisfied. and your guests likewise.
and then your friend shows you the new way of photography, and here are the sample photos taken by her. you look kinda kinky...
the roses become extra enchanting with the swirl effect
and your orchid is in glow!!! how awesome, you love the impromptu photography session. you discover a new way of taking photo and is super addicting.

another friend brought some plain cupcakes along and you have spare fondant at home and so a spontaneous cupcakes decoration session kicks start without a due after the laksa.  lots of kneading, lots of sharing, lots of laughter's, lots of patience, lots of ideas but not so precise execution. some are completely satisfied with their first ever cupcake decoration attempt but you are not very satisfied with yours but again it's the fun and the company that counts...

1 comment:

Flobamora said...

Thank you Elvira for the wonderfull, loving, chearfull, enjoyable time @ your place and the delicious Kuching Laksa meal. I love you and GB, Sandra

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