
Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I decided to start sharing about the type of medicines I am taking since the last few months... please reading if this is not your cup of tea....
As most of you know and I also mentioned a few times before that in June this year, after a polyclinic hysteroscopy, a rather big polyp (thumb finger size) was removed from my uterine cavity. There was no pain during the removal although I could feel the scissor cutting and something was taken away inside me.The polyp was sent to laboratory for further analysis and it returns with not so good news that the polyp is of a complex, pre-cancer cells. As a result of the treatment to further suppress the growth of polyp in my uterine cavity, I am prescribed with Provera, a hormone pill that commonly use to treat irregular menstruation or in my case to cause a temporary menopause to stop all activities in my cavity.... I have taken this for many months now, starting with one tablet a day, but then slowly increase to 3 tablets per day (a rough calculation of 30 days X 7 months X 3 tablets = 630 tablets or total of 6300 mg) Hmmm...Imagine I have been taking this for more than 4 months now and I have to continue for another 3 more months....

The first month after taking Provera I was fine and especially fine during my summer vacation in July. Then in August, my health condition becoming worse, I became very tired, experience lots of pain at my abdominal and only painkiller can relief me from them. I became very emotional, depressed and despite of the hormone pill that supposed to stop the menstruation, I had a rather heavy and continuous menstruation for almost the whole month of August. Everything turned roller-coaster from there on...
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