
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


you must admit when it comes to bread you still prefer the bread from your adopted land in europe.  it has so much substances, solid and the choice of brown bread is endless.
but here in japan, good quality bread is sarce and not easily come by.  you can never get any good bread from supermarket, even in most bakery the breads are bearly acceptable to your european standard.
you came across one bakery by chance at daikanyama (代官山).  a hot spot of shopping for locals, daikanyama is home to a wide variety of fashionable boutique shops and sidewalk restaurants and cafes.  you have plenty more tales on daikanyama, but for now your focus is on bread.
a bakery cum nice cafe with the floor length window and plenty of choice to choose from, you seize your chance by buying a few to last for the week's breakfast as you know, good and quality bread doesn't come by easy in tokyo.
this is a super yummy bread with chestnut and poppy seed.  although it is not brown but it is super yummy and with substance
you treat this as cake more than bread, and much to your delight, the innard is filled with azuki bean paste and a piece of sticky goo-ey mochi wrapped in a layer of bread as seen and the taste is accentuate by the salted sakura on top.
soy bread, a bread/bun made of soy bean instead of normal wheat flour, the taste is unique in a certain way but probably a taste to acquire than of immediate liking...
this is an uninteresting bread/bun with walnut, a little heavier than the normal one but not much of excitement on the palatte.

bread is not everything, for men shall not leave by bread alone, but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God - mathhew 4:4

[p/s:you were at daikanyama on 27th february 2011]
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