
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a life without pajama days would not be much of a life.
not too many – but lately it is nice to wake up and have no reason to change into regular clothing. and no hurry to rush anywhere.
you just sit at your desk and start dialing in to conference calls, one after another till mid noon. where you have your break.
a break to change. or no perhaps no need to change at all.  but certainly a break to eat.
and because you stick to the japan working hours, you have the rest of the afternoon for yourself (sometimes, only when you don't have to deal with the americans).
and when the weather is great, when you have the time and the mood...
you go for a bike ride, a joy ride...

cycling is only a leisure pastime for you. usually in spring and summer.
you are enjoying the hollandse spring. you are "stranded" after all, with no where to go for the moment.

 you love the sweet scent of magnolia, it's just so sweet and refreshing. it relaxes you.
 you spot sakura (cherry blossom) and you miss tokyo again.
 you know that unless a miracle happens, otherwise you will not be in time to see the sakura, a hanami that you long waited for. but you will not be there in time to see it this year.  but you give thanks because compare to many that lost their lives recently in earthquake and tsunami, you may miss it this year, you can still see it next year.  but for them, mono no aware, they will never see sakura hanami again.
 then you come across these barren trees
 and saw many beheaded trees, and you feel a little sad again.
you carry on with your journey, you stop by the lake and take in the moment of serenity pitts
enjoying the early spring, the quietness of the moment, but most importantly the peace in your heart.  you give thanks to God again.
and you cycling extended.
you discover new areas and spot a few interesting houses.  you tell yourself you don't mind living in this corner house by the creek and with floor length windows all over.
or imagine yourself moving into apartment like this, it sounds like an idea too.
but you know you will not move. at least for the time being...
on your way back, discover a patch of blue that once again thrills you.  you just love spring.
it's a season full of colors, full of surprises.


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