
Friday, March 18, 2011


it's been a week since the earthquake struck japan and the tidal wave swept off the north eastern.
you don't know why but you are constantly in melancholy mood when you are blogging.  perhaps you spent too much time in the japan world even while you are in the lowland.  perhaps writing is soothing and a way to heal. it is not always easy for you to talk to people about what you have been through.  but you are thankful you can write about it and let the readers decide if they want to continue reading.
you speak more to your japan colleagues than your dutch colleagues.  you work from home so far and haven't been to your office in amsterdam yet.
you heard from your colleagues, life still goes on, tokyo is still kicking.

cherry blossoms
well, there is power shortage here and there, trains are not running in full service, there may not have enough choices of bentos to choose from compare to a week before. but, no one is in starvation, there is no shortage of water, food and the radiation factor in the air remains normal and that means low for tokyo.
sakura chiffon cake from starbucks
spring is in the air. the signs are evident even before you left tokyo.  you tasted plenty yummy goodies with sakura flavors. and this is just one of the many.

sakura chiffon cake from starbucks
like this yummy sakura chiffon cake from starbucks.  only in season for a short time. you are sure starbucks will stop serving this cake when you next return to tokyo.
cherry blossom and tokyo tower
your learnt another phrase from your colleague again.  it's a continuation of mono no aware and it is about sakura


asu araba araba to omou sakura kana
tomorrow and tomorrow
will they still be?
cherry blossoms
issa, 1808
it's been a week.  let's pray for japan.  this nation can stand againts the greatest natural desaster.  rescue work continue, aids and relief will come in, the nuclear plant will be in control.  life is going on in tokyo and surely in japan.

you woke up. you took a shower. you checked the news. you had breakfast, you brushed me teeth, while you work from home many of your colleagues went to work.

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