
Sunday, January 29, 2012

different country has different way of celebrating the spring festival. in your homeland, variety of one bite size cookies are being baked weeks leading to the start of the celebration. when people go chinese new year visiting, they can at the very least expecting to be served by these cookies during the open house along with soft drinks or tea.
you made the top two trays, in reality only three sorts of cookies as part of your very first attempt ever in making festive cookies.
bingka ubi kayu (木薯糕), tapioca cake made by the host.

assorted cookies all home made by the host. she baked 20 types of cookies in 20 days... another julia child.

and she also made some of these snacks to pamper all the invited guests...
cui kuih (水糕)- literally translate to water cake, steam version, made of flour and top with salted and pickled radish...

pork jerky (猪肉干), again home made with love...

love letters, not written but crispy waffles with a very strong eggy fragrance.

mini spicy dried shrimp roll, made by another guest.  this is another goodies commonly found during the festive season.

another try of assorted cookies again made by the host.

you so love this savory crispy waffles with a very strong cumin seed taste. you can eat continuously **dangerous**

home made hong kong style egg tarts again by the host.

you feel so blessed by all the yummy delicious chinese new year goodies, not only you got to eat there but also got to bring some home ...

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