
Monday, January 02, 2012


you invited two families over for a new year's eve dinner at your place. your mil usually cooked up a storm (literally a tornado storm) for this annual event. the storm is a little smaller this year compared to last year since your sil and family are not around.  nevertheless, the food she cooked is still enough to feed a whole village for days.
 the annual galore - fried crab claws
 store bought roasted duck
 typical cantonese chinese new year dishes - braised dried oysters, mushroom with black moss. a mixed green with assorted seafood
 roasted pork belly
fried jumbo shrimps with garlic.

you arrived on the nye morning, the flight back to the lowland is half empty and thus you literally padded the four sitter row with the extra pillows and blankets, make yourself comfortable for a good night rest on your way home.
 and you are energetic enough to cook up a malaysian style chicken curry with potatoes, which went well among the cantonese and deep fried dishes.
this year he is allowed to make this soy chicken dish. and the color looks really beautiful on the skin of the bird.

and you stopped taking photo of the dishes at some point, so the following few dishes are missing from the photo - baby green, steamed fish,  fin soup, the prawn cracker from brunei that you brought back, the fried pangsit (wanton), and the black sesame chiffon cake that you made in the morning.
 a guest brought with her the homemade brownie, and it goes really well with the vanilla ice cream.
the guests left  around 10.30pm and that's when the jet lag hit you. you dive in to your bed for a nap and betting on the fireworks to wake you up, but in fact you slept from 2011 to 2012 morning missing out the noise and fireworks. 
it's already second day of 2012 and a normal working day for you, yet you are still tired and fatigue from the jet lag. thankfully you can work from home today but tomorrow you will have to travel to brussel for work.

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