
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Japanese Ramen (ラーメン)

Johannes has gone crazy with his Japanese food and passion in Japanese cooking. To eat this super tasty Japanese Char Siu Ramen, he started last night with making the soup broth/base. Don't ask me how the soup is made, as far as Japanese food is concerned, I am happy to eat what he cooked. The soup is cooked with spare ribs, chicken and many other ingredients and boiled for 7 hours. Thankfully I had a pot that can run into auto shimmering mode without electricity.
This after noon, we had this for lunch....

Since we are not the big fan of Japanese Char Siu (which is fatty pork belly meat), he substitute it with Teriyaki spare ribs, literally just re-used the ribs used for the soup and grilled them...

Another view of the Ramen, the only down side is the noodle is not as crunchy and springy as the real Japanese version.

The soup is very clear but full of variety of flavors and the tiaoban(豆瓣酱)/miso(みそ or 味噌) paste basically accentuate the taste further...
We still have lots of ramen broth, which apparently can be stored or deep frozen for later use. We will have enough to try out Shoyu Ramen and many other different versions next week....
What a prologue to start the trip...
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