
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mambo Jumbo Malaysia

Need to cleaning up the loose photos in my laptop and notice that there are still some photos need to be posted. Well, there are just not enough time in a day/week/month to blog about everything, so I decided to a mambo jumbo round....

<-- Chicken clay pot rice that I ate at a basement food court in BB Plaza, KL. Love the slightly burned rice and eating each spoon with a bit of chili spice up the culinary experience.

--> Roasted Chicken Wan-tan Noodles. There is a interesting story in ordering this dish, McDull's philosophy almost come to live in order to derive this combination. Nicely roasted chicken according to Johannes.

<-- Nasi Lemak with Sotong (Squid) tumis. I had this at one of the food court in KLCC. Very nicely done tumis, not too hot and compliment really well with the coconut rice. yum...

--> Lo Sang (捞生) typical dish during Chinese New Year where everyone should at least lo (mix) this dish, compotes of crackers, raw salmon, and many other stuffs. Not my favorite.

<-- Herbal Chicken (药材鸡), my youngest brother cooked this. It is made of assorted chinese herbs wrapped in aluminium foil and steam till it is cooked. Very juicy and moist.

--> Bro cooked this as well for CNY eve. This is pork trotter and mushroom cooked in perhaps hakka way, with soy sauce and chili. This turned out very hot as he overdosed with chili.Nevertheless a glimpse of mum's home cooked food.

<-- This is the porridge that served at Somerset apartment where we stayed at Kuching. We always start our day with a bowl of hot plain porridge and I always add chinese pickles, black beans and other compotes to my porridge.

--> Teh Tarik, a hot pulled milky tea commonly available almost everywhere in Malaysia. The tea is mixed with condense milk and pulled till smooth and frothy. One of Johannes’ favorite. For me, if I ever order this drink, it is always “Teh Tarik Kurang manis” i.e. less sweet version.

<-- This is literally called ‘black and white’, the composition is actually jelly grass (black) and soy milk (white). Not a bad combination I must say, if you like both jelly grass (cinchau) and soy milk.

--> This you know, it is from Starbucks. What so special to me is this Matcha (powdered green tea) Soy bean latte. Really rekindle my fresh memory about Kyoto experience. Taste wise, very close to the ones in Japan, bitterness of matcha, smoothness of soy latte.


Red dragon fruit, these are so common in Malaysia these days. I got to know this fruit when I lived in Hong Kong and I fall in love after one taste of it and since then I will never let the opportunity passed me without eating/drinking it.

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