
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Strawberry Chocolate Dip

I woke up today looking at the leftover strawberries from last night and wonder what to do with them. These are probably first batch from Spain and thus taste more sour than sweet. As I open up the fridge and noticed that there is still 1/3 of dark chocolate sitting in the rack, so I decided to melt the chocolate and then dip the strawberries. They are not for breakfast, but I won’t have time to do this in the afternoon, so I do it as I prepare my breakfast.

It is very fast, simple and easy, I melt the chocolate in the microwave and dip the strawberries one by one and put it in the fridge to set.

As for the remaining over chocolate dip… I make a cuppa hot chocolate out of it, perfect for my breakfast. So instead of tea, I had hot chocolate this morning.

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