
Monday, February 16, 2009

The Parable of the Fruits of the Spirit

Just as I am preparing some of these photos that I have taken regarding the fruits of Malaysia, the Lord reminds me of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control".

Since there are 9 fruits of the spirit, here I have chosen 9 fruits that broadly presents in Malaysia.

Rambutan - Hairy monster but once you overcome the skin, you will get the sweetness of the fruit

Durian - the king of all fruits but I never like this and can't even stand the smell these days

Guava - best to eat fresh with some sour plum powder, but the dried version is equally tasty

Water Guava - soft and juicy and the common way to enjoy this is to dip it in soy sauce and sugar mixture

Star Fruits - good by itself but I prefer it to be in the juice

Nanga Salak/Snake Skin Fruit - feel like garlic clove and taste in between of pineapple and pear

Ciku - very sweet and best serve cold

Mangostine - Queen of all fruits, has the effect to cool down the heat of durian and that's why it is called as Queen

Sour Sap - a bit sour and sweet, very soft and squashy in texture, not my favorite

I hope the fruits of the Spirit is growing in us today.

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